AMS-AGY (min-max) 1) Manually crop xy to 500x500 using ImageJ 2) Save 16bit tiff to 8-bit tiff using ImageJ min-max scaling 0-255 3) Update Image-> Properties with z pixel calibration: - calculate pixel size in xy: 6.5um/40x = 0.1625um - divide piezo step size by xy step: 0.5um/0.1625um = 3.08 - set z pixel step size to 3.08 4) Use ImageJ Image-> Stacks-> 3D Project...-> see screen shot for settings (1degree step, interpolate, default the rest) 5) Use ImageJ file-> save as-> image sequence-> format: PNG name: img start at: 0 digits: 4 6) Run ffmeg command to convert image series to mp4: ffmpeg -y -r 25 -f image2 -i img%04d.png -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec libx264 -vf scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2 -preset veryslow -crf 25 figure.mp4 Nikon (min-max) 1) Manually crop xy to 500x500 using ImageJ 2) Save 16bit tiff to 8-bit tiff using ImageJ min-max scaling 0-255 3) Update Image-> Properties with z pixel calibration: - calculate pixel size in xy: 6.5um/40x = 0.1625um - divide piezo step size by xy step: 0.5um/0.1625um = 3.08 - set z pixel step size to 3.08 4) Use ImageJ Image-> Stacks-> 3D Project...-> see screen shot for settings (1degree step, interpolate, default the rest) 5) Use ImageJ file-> save as-> image sequence-> format: PNG name: img start at: 0 digits: 4 6) Run ffmeg command to convert image series to mp4: ffmpeg -y -r 25 -f image2 -i img%04d.png -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec libx264 -vf scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2 -preset veryslow -crf 25 figure.mp4